My Awesome Followers.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Kreativ Blogger Award

Hello everybody, I receive this award from a very a Kreative Blogger herself, Jill at Thank you so much Jill. By the way, she made this cute Packages with same cute card and different sentiments and I really like it,  I might just borrow the idea for Christmas gifts : ) Go check them out and pass on the love.

 Along with posting that I received this award, and thanking the person that gave it to me, I am supposed to share 10 random facts about myself.
  • Things about me;
1- I am Mexican -American , Chicana, Hispanic, Latin, I call my self American.
2- I have one wonderful husband, 3 children, 5 (real)  grandchildren plus 3 more to love and 2 cats.
3- I live in the country and I love it! Neighbor chickens, cows, peacocks, horses and all.
4- Things that keep me going besides Love, My Faith, My family and my great sense of humor : )
5- I serve in the Az. National Guard for 8yrs 5active and 3non-active.
6- I started doing crafts about 10 years ago, I used to ( but still love to) scroll wood.
7- I  started playing with paper about one and half years ago now I'm  addicted.
8- I haven't taken any art classes but would love to.
9- My daughter has refers to me as Dory from "Finding Nemo." I do think that role was written after me.
10- I 'm totally in love with life, nature and people, yes I'm a very grateful person.

The last task to do for winning the award to recognize 7 bloggers to receive this award.  I'd like to recognize the following awesome bloggers (in no particular order) with the Kreativ Blogger Award because of their talent, kreativity and hard work on their blogs and with their projects.
Please check them out and you will see why I choose them : )

Now that you have received this award, you can participate by doing the following:
1) Link back to the person who gave it to you.
2)  Share 10 random facts about yourself.
3)  Pass on the award onto 7 other people.
4)  Follow the person that gave you this award.


  1. Congratulations on your award, very well deserved.
    Caz x

  2. Hi Elisa,
    You are very welcome. Thank you for being such an inspiration to me. Have a great day.


  3. Hi, Elisa -

    Thanks for thinking of me and, even though I very much appreciate the honor, I must decline. I've made the decision not to participate in blog awards; just don't have the time to reciprocate properly. However, you've made me feel very honored by choosing me! I am going to follow your blog; love what I've seen so far!!

  4. Congrats on the award! :)
    Learned a few things about you!


Thank you for coming over and leaving a comment. I really appreciate your visit,
Love always, Elisa